Men at Arms

Author: Evelyn Waugh
Guy Crouchback, determined to get into the war, takes a commission in the Royal Corps of Halberdiers. His spirits high, he sees all the trimmings but none of the action. And his first campaign, an abortive affair on the West African coastline, ends with an escapade which seriously blots his Halberdier copybook. Men at Arms is the first book in Waugh’s brilliant trilogy, Sw….Read More
14 Books Similar to Men at Arms

The Loved One
Following the death of a friend, British poet and pets' mortician Dennis Barlow finds himself entering the artificial Hollywood paradise of the Whispering Glades Memorial Park. Within its golden gates,… Continue Reading Posted in: Cemeteries, Fiction In English 1900 Texts, Motion Picture Industry
Unconditional Surrender
Guy Crouchback has lost his Halberdier idealism. A desk job in London gives him the chance of reconciliation with his former wife. Then, in Yugoslavia, as a liaison officer with… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literature & Fiction
Put Out More Flags
Upper-class rogues, bohemians, dowagers, socialites, bureaucrats and delinquent evacuees prepare for England to change forever, in this hilarious and deadly serious 1942 satire on the 'phoney war'The hideous, then unfamiliar… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic American Literature, War Fiction (Books)
Vile Bodies
In the years following the First World War, a new generation emerges, wistful and vulnerable beneath the glitter. The Bright Young Things of twenties' Mayfair, with their paradoxical mix of… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Humor Fiction, English Fiction, Nineteen Twenties, Satire, Social Life And Customs
Helena (20th Century Classics)
Helena is the intelligent, horse-mad daughter of a British chieftan who is suddenly betrothed to the warrior who becomes the Roman emperor Constantius. She spends her life seeking truth in… Continue Reading Posted in: Classics, Fiction, Historical
Humboldt’s Gift
The novel, for which Bellow won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1976, is a self-described "comic book about death," whose title character is modeled on the self-destructive lyric poet… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Friendship, Legacies, Literary Fiction
Decline and Fall
Expelled from Oxford for indecent behaviour, Paul Pennyfeather is oddly unsurprised to find himself qualifying for the position of schoolmaster at Llanabba Castle. His colleagues are an assortment of misfits,… Continue Reading Posted in: English Literature, Fiction, Upper Class
Lord Copper, newspaper magnate and proprietor of the "Daily Beast", has always prided himself on his intuitive flair for spotting ace reporters. That is not to say he has not… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literary Fiction, Fiction, Italo Ethiopian War (1935 1936), Literary Satire Fiction, Novelists
A Handful of Dust
Taking its title from T.S. Eliot's modernist poem The Waste Land, Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust is a chronicle of Britain's decadence and social disintegration between the First and… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Classic Literary Fiction, English Fiction, Literary Satire Fiction, Satire
A Little Learning
Can an ordinary girl dare to be different? The compelling new bestseller from Birmingham’s Queen of Fiction,,Janet is determined to make something of herself, instead of being chained to a… Continue Reading Posted in: Historical
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