Night Rain

Electric Beach (Mike Connolly Mystery…

Author: Joe Hilley

Dibber Landry lives in his uncle’s house on Dauphin Island, a barrier island near the mouth of Mobile Bay. As a hurricane approaches, most of the island’s permanent residents evacuate, but not Dibber, who has plundering on his mind. While rummaging through Inez Marchand’s house, Dibber finds more than he expected-a dead body. Charged with murder, he turns to Mike Connolly….Read More

9 Books Similar to Night Rain

Double Take

Since we saw him last in Sober Justice, Mike Connolly has moved on from his live-in girlfriend and he's still sober, but his law practice remains on the skids—until he's… Continue Reading Posted in: Connolly, Mike (Fictitious Character), Police

Heaven’s Prisoners

James Lee Burke’s second Robicheaux novel takes the detective out of New Orleans and into the bayou as he seeks a quieter life.Vietnam vet Dave Robicheaux has turned in his… Continue Reading Posted in: Investigation, Mystery Fiction, United States

Electric Beach

Mike Connolly, a fifty-something attorney, is now a recovering alcoholic, divorced from his wife and estranged from his daughter.While researching a murder case, a string of clues takes him to… Continue Reading Posted in: Connolly, Mike (Fictitious Character), Trials (Murder)


Contents: Castling -- Quiet -- Brownstone -- Speedboat -- Islands -- What war -- The agency. Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, New York (State) New York

Sober Justice

Mike Connolly, a divorced, alcoholic, fifty-something attorney finds that his life takes an unpredictable turn when he is appointed to defend an indigent man accused of murdering a prominent plaintiff's… Continue Reading Posted in: Connolly, Mike (Fictitious Character), Trials (Murder)

The Moviegoer

Winner of the 1961 National Book AwardThe dazzling novel that established Walker Percy as one of the major voices in Southern literature is now available for the first time in… Continue Reading Posted in: Contemporary Literature & Fiction, Fiction, Psychology, Young Men Psychology

Further Doings of Milly-Molly-Mandy

Milly-Molly-Mandy lives in a tiny village in the heart of the countryside. She is always busy doing things, and whether she is camping-out with Billy Blunt and little-friend-Susan, or looking… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's, Classics, Fiction

Gulf Stream

Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4Set in Mobile, Alabama, Gulf Stream, the 1930 novel by Marie Stanley (Marie Layet Sheip), is an important part of Alabama’s literary heritage. A stunning first person performance by a… Continue Reading Posted in: American Literature, Languages & Literatures, Women

What The Red Moon Knows

Who is the man Ruth England sees getting into a yellow Cadillac one afternoon? Is it Elvis Presley--long thought dead--with whom she had a brief romantic encounter when she was… Continue Reading

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