Youth Without God

European Literature

Author: Ödön von Horváth

Written in exile while in flight from the Nazis, this dark, bizarre evocation of everyday life under fascism is available for the first time in thirty years.,,This last book by Ödön von Horváth, one of the 20th-century’s great but forgotten writers, is a dark fable about guilt, fate, and the individual conscience.,,An unnamed narrator in an unnamed country is a schoolteacher w….Read More

4 Books Similar to Youth Without God

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Die Physiker

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The Midwich Cuckoos

Cuckoos lay eggs in other birds' nests. The clutch that was fathered on the quiet little village of Midwich, one night in September, proved to possess a monstrous will of… Continue Reading Posted in: 1900, Extraterrestrial Beings, Fiction In English, Fiction In English 1900 Texts, First Contact Science Fiction, Movie & Game Tie-In, Science Fiction TV

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